
Archive for February, 2012|Monthly archive page

Had to go to QUEBEC CITY to find snow…

In Uncategorized on February 25, 2012 at 11:06 pm

from the wings, our show in Quebec City

Just an up date to let you know how well Quebec City went. We enjoyed a great show with my jazz band at a sweet theatre and I even spoke in french for most of the show.  I put this skill to further test in a live-to-air interview on a french radio station the next day. I spoke about 90% french and if I got some of my words mixed up, I think I actually communicated in french! Since it was Valentine’s day tom came, and afterwards to celebrate we went ice skating and ate big steak-frites. The previous night I walked up over one hundred steps in minus eighteen degrees cold: something I was so happy to be able to do. It’s nice being off anti biotics & I pray the good health continues.  I stay in close contact with the clinicians and do my best to enjoy each day & treat my body well. Today we went riding and now I am resting up for tonight’s gig where my two musical worlds collide: Tom’s band is pairing with my jazz band to play a “western swing dance” if you can believe it. I’m hoping it’s a hoot!

Outside radio station, and later on the SKATING RINK.

Yessum, Dancing!

In Uncategorized on February 6, 2012 at 2:51 am

singing the blues in separates!

I find it okay to tell you now that I’ve been on iv antibiotics since November’s cold. In this time the Docs struggled with finding the right drug to help my infection (yes, another of those).  Finally we seem to have found a good drug, and I’m feeling able again to canter and a do a little jumping on horseback, and last night I even did four dances at the swing dance & never had to worry about my breath. This is a great improvement over how I was feeling a month ago. Holy cow it’s great to dance when you’ve not been able to! Hopefully my time with the iv bag will be over this week. Frankly I’ve been carting this thing around in a fanny pack for what seems like forever, and I long to wear a dress to a gig, and not separates ( which I’ve been stuck in to accommodate the ever present bag, which though small, is just… cumbersome after three months, eh.)  Here’s to health in 2012! AND DANCING! WOO IT FEELS GREAT! It should also be mentioned that today Gypsy was feeling very naughty and did about six bunny hopping rodeo bucks in a row today. I managed to not get out of breath, and after I finished telling her how naughty she was, I broke out in a big laugh. 34 my ass! That pony felt 12 today! So did I!


In Uncategorized on February 2, 2012 at 4:53 am

Today was a day of newsy opposites on my facebook account.

I got word that a friend who has owned her horse for fourteen years had to put her “best friend” to sleep today. As a horse owner this made me very sad. But this sad news came almost immediately on the heels of having learned that another facebook friend had received her lung transplant today! This made me happy! But such opposites. Life and death. Rebirth and gifting. Gifting of organs, and the gifting of fourteen years of horsey love.

It reminded me to remind you all to do what you want to do, TODAY. Don’t delay. Life is unpredictable. Be grateful for what you have and LIVE NOW! START! DO IT!